“Ummm…7 or 8 is not old, Jill.”

In which Jill has her 29th birthday. Again.


Hey, it’s Tamara here. I’m guest posting on Jill’s Dog Blog today. Many of you know me, but for those who don’t: I mostly work behind-the-scenes for Outta the Cage. If it’s related to digital, tech, or brand gear—and it’s not Facebook or Instagram—that’s where you’ll find me. Now that we’re introduced…

If you’re on Facebook, you probably know that yesterday (September 1st) was Jill’s birthday. [Insert all of us singing "Happy Birthday" here—some of us off-key, of course.] And you may have seen that she launched an Outta the Cage birthday fundraiser to raise money for Boss, one of our Camarillo buddies.

But did you see...

...the video Jill posted for the fundraiser? We had fun putting it together—and were beyond shocked that Pinky, our fospice dog, wanted to participate. As her fans know, Pinky’s a dog that prefers to sport the RBF look—and whenever she sees a camera pointed her direction, she purposely looks or walks away. Every. Single. Time.

But. Not. This. Time.

In this video, Pinky helps Jill tell Boss’ story. She even smiles. Way to represent, Pinky! Check out her cameo appearance:

But wait! There’s more.

Jill set a goal of $2,000 for her birthday fundraiser. And because of you crazy, generous people, the goal was met in 14 hours!

Now that the goal’s been met, all remaining donations will be used to help another medical or senior dog from a kill shelter. Stay tuned.

On behalf of Outta the Cage and Boss, we THANK YOU for caring, sharing, and donating! Let us know in the Facebook video comments if you think Pinky should do more videos.

P.S. If you’re not on Facebook, you’ll still be able to view the video and fundraiser page. They’re viewable by anyone.

P.P.S. If you’re not on Facebook and you’d like to chip in, head on over to our website’s Donate page.

UPDATED 10/6/2020: You donated to Jill's birthday fundraiser. Facebook sent us the money. And we sent the money straight to the foster's vet of choice (view receipt). And our boy Boss has been ADOPTED!! Thank you ALL! 


Jill and Rocco have an apparitional experience


Is there such a thing as the perfect adopter?