Jill’s Dog Blog.
A provocative & persuasive perspective from the play yard.
5 facts about hospice fosters
In which Jill explains why the hard thing is the right thing.
A proposal: Let’s make rescue glamorous!
In which Jill argues that rescue is indeed the new cool.
The single most important action animal shelters can take to save lives
In which Jill promises this won’t be a boring techie blog post.
The emerging trend of data for good
In which Jill advocates for housing, shelter dogs, and smashing the siloes.
Myth buster: The 3 biggest foster fallacies
On the fence about fostering? Here are three assumptions debunked.
Why it's so doggone hard to know a dog's story
In which Jill makes the case that data can help save pets’ lives.
How to fail at being a foster failure
In which Jill debunks (most of) the myths of fostering a pet.
Dog intros can bite: 5 ways to get it right
In which Jill shares tips for making good dogs better, and how to save your cake.
It’s the curse of the “Only Dog”
In which Jill casts the net for some very special people, on behalf of some very special dogs.
Want to save more dogs and trees at the same time?
In which Jill fills describes the reality of animal shelters - both today and tomorrow.
It's not about who you know in this digital age
In which Jill explains that it's not who you know; it's who THEY know.
Mixed (and bully) breeds need their time in the limelight, too
In which Jill urges the media to consider mixed breeds.
5 things that surprised me about my rescue dog
In which Jill reminds us that love is a many splendored thing.